Friday, December 07, 2012

Official Office Romance(s)?

After all everyone wants to be loved in the office!

Why believe someone when they say you shouldn’t mix work with pleasure. Please. Romance in the office can be good. And this is scientifically proven, now. Last to last year my team conducted a series of tests to study L1O1V1E1 gene in around 200 working Homo Sapiens Sapiens. The results have just been delivered to me and I am honored to share with you all the precious conclusions.

1. The genetic map clearly says that men who try to woo a pretty face in the office work harder to get appreciation and respect…Wait, of the seniors you thought? (Ah…you don’t get anything, read 101Grandma wisdom tales first).

2. Even the laziest employees surprise everyone with their willingness to come to the office in time even during weekends and holidays. And surprise again, by not working at all eventually.

3. Creativity anyone? That’s a little too much in love (because of the mutation in L1O1V1E1 gene). So the organization is lucky to get your intelligence abruptly transformed into crazy creativity. Yay! You are getting a Hike.

4. Most importantly, people start dressing up neatly. And some of them start taking their bathing time seriously. That’s a welcome change in the office for people who have an active nose.

5. Entertainment. You want to know why? Well, the rest of the employees get a hot topic to talk about. That is much needed when all everyone has is work and a laptop. No one can give them enough entertainment, you see, as does a sexy love affair or a bitter breakup (or both).

The “penner” of this piece works in an organization, where all the employees, including her of course, are highly creative individuals who work on weekends, take regular bath, and even gossip unnecessarily. 

we forgive

to find light that's lost, feel peace in our hearts, to believe in love, receive it from God, we forgive and we try to, to heal what hur...