Thursday, December 10, 2015


one day,
fantasy will give in,
and reality will win,
that day,
veiling you in haze, 
pixie dust will settle,
I won't be the same,
grasping the nettle.
but, till then,
or, at least, for now,
let me believe
in the kind of love
I have never found.

iced lake

it’s weary winter time,
and resting underneath
the lake, drowsily frozen
asleep, still, perhaps dead,
runs furtive water
endlessly dark,
comfortably warm
unbelievably kind, 
seemingly sublime!
but what would you know,
beholding from a distance,
touching just the surface? 

Sunday, October 11, 2015


go away quick
come here slow
play fast and loose
attack me like a foe!
so that you can
be in my clan
then, together,
we will,
i promise,
bring to fruition
yesteryear’s plans
to destroy

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

All that I Want

I want limitless love,
beatific music,
soul-stirring poetry,
the company of a clore.
I want madness,
a mildly lit room,
a glass of wine,
a gifted red rose.
I want a kindred spirit
with a heart of gold
and a handsome face
to adore.
I want all of this
and much, much more.
but I want to wait or
work hard for it no more.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Building the Dream!

i tell you about a place –
where raging, strong waters
pierce grey, shapeless stones
and bright, beautiful rainbows
run across plush green lands.
i closely remember this place –
where promises are built
from lifeless, stolen filth
where love finally wins
and fears quietly fade
for, not too long ago,
i dreamed this dream,
so I know it’s there.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Can You?

walk a few miles,
and then some,
in my shoes,
and tell me,
if all these fears
that beset my feet,
wrack my fingers,
fleetingly touch you?

we forgive

to find light that's lost, feel peace in our hearts, to believe in love, receive it from God, we forgive and we try to, to heal what hur...