call me time and again
an incurable romantic.
accuse me offensively
of revering unrealism.
laugh at me heartlessly
for i over-idealize you.
or just leave me forlorn,
if i’m gallingly tractable.
but i’ve a warm, not weak, heart.
i sincerely think love’s beautiful.
when i overlook all your flaws,
don’t think I’m blind, senseless!
i’m essentially very self-critical.
i gotta worship somebody else.
i don’t want to learn
the art of moderation.
the real thrill comes
with chasing and loving
in maddening extremes.
i can savor dejection,
the enchanting highs,
the soul-piercing lows,
whatever comes along.
i’d not fall like the usual.
i’ll plummet into abysses.
you still think I’m mad, do you?
ah, i can defend my rosy vision!
fairness is giving all in love.
and i’m nothing if not fair.
i’m also realistic, believe me.
i know not all romantic tales,
end with promises and vows,
of being together life long.
but i don’t let that stop it,
from beating fast and wild,
and from giving in again.
if i fail tomorrow or today,
i’ll let life find another way.
if you find someone better,
i’ll send good wishes to you,
and search someone crazier,
after shedding a tear or two.
you agree, i’m practical too?
come closer, and be all mine,
if i’ve convinced you in time.
or try read me some more,
i’m made of words galore!
i’m made of words galore!